What are CareConnect’s main features?


What are CareConnect’s main features?

  1. Easy to use. [read more="Read more" less="Read less"]
    We have listened to people with failing vision, hearing and dexterity; and used tap operation, large fonts, audible feedback, colour blind pallets and an optional push-button Bluetooth pendant with fall detection. All setup may be managed remotely by any contact.[/read]
  2. Mobile support. [read more="Read more" less="Read less"]
    With 88% of the community and 78% of seniors using smartphones in 2017, we use mobiles to address those living, working or travelling alone. We can use land lines for some in the group without a mobile. [/read]
  3. Extensive monitoring. [read more="Read more" less="Read less"]
    We include Help push-button, panic alarm, scheduled check-ins with overdue alerts, ad-hoc check-ins, serious fall detection, region based monitoring, quick group messaging and low battery warnings.[/read]</
  4. Check-in Schedule. [read more="Read more" less="Read less"]
    An expected check-in schedule reminds VIPs when check-ins are due and alerts contacts when missed. With only 2 taps, times may be temporarily varied for ad-hoc appointments or if feeling unwell. The weekly schedule may also be varied - even remotely by any contact.[/read]</
  5. Contact Management. [read more="Read more" less="Read less"]
    Unlike a simple SMS, alerts and responses are monitored and if unacknowledged, are escalated to the next contact or group of contacts. Contacts may quickly update their status as their availability to respond varies.[/read]
  6. Multi band fallback. [read more="Read more" less="Read less"]
    There are many reasons a message may not get to the desired party including failed internet connection, network congestion, do-not-disturb settings, flat battery, etc. Our backup system calls contacts on a mobile or land-line voice band if a transmission fails on the data band. [/read]
  7. Audit logging. [read more="Read more" less="Read less"]
    Extensive audit logs are maintained to track and report activity and events.[/read]
  8. Affordable. [read more="Read more" less="Read less"]
    Automating the process allows us to increase reliability while reducing costs. Subscriptions start from $7.90 per month.[/read]
  9. Mum's the word. [read more="Read more" less="Read less"]
    If there was a service like Care Connect available for our mum we would have adopted it and not taken over 2 years to develop this service. No system came close to covering our needs, or was reliable enough. Nothing less was good enough for our mum. [/read]

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admin administrator